Monday 2 July 2012

Hot Flashes Treatment

My Natural Hot Flashes Treatment

hot flashes

Hey there, my name is Lori and I just wanted to write a quick post to help others who may be looking for a hot flashes treatment.

I was so frustrated when I started having hot flashes and night sweats because I was only 39 years old when this started. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I had also missed my period. This was the first time this ever happened and I was concerned because I've always been regular with my cycle.

I thought I might be pregnant so I went to see my doctor who told me I was in Peri-menopause. This is was what was causing the hot sweats. She suggested I try some form of hormone supplementation to stop hot flashes from becoming too severe.

Since I do not believe in taking drugs unless all else has failed, I began searching for natural remedies for hot flashes.

I tried a few things like bioidentical hormones which support your hormones based on a plant source rather than animal source and it seemed to help somewhat. The results were short lived though because the hot sweats returned and were even more intense. Hmm, I wasn't sure what other hot flash remedies I could try that were natural but actually brought me relief.

At this point I needed relief because I work 12 hours a day and my job is very physical. So these menopause hot flashes compounded with my job were making me crazy. I was getting about 30 hot flushes a day lasting around 45 seconds to 1 minute in length. Not fun I can assure you, and if you are going through it then you know.

I wouldn't give up though, and in all my extensive research I eventually came across a site that focused on a way to stop hot flashes that sounded simple and reasonable and made sense to me scientifically.

So, I'm happy to say that 1 year and counting my hot flashes are gone and have never returned. I also have made these simple methods part of my life and wouldn't abandon them for the world. I've gotten my life back! If you are suffering from severe and intense hot flashes, I really hope you try this as well.

hot flashes

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